

富雅環球有限公司於1990年註冊成立,服務香港超過三十三年。於2003年正式代理美國HairPrime® 生髮產品系列,是香港唯一的代理商。HairPrime®生髮系列以Dr. Isaac Eliaz 為首,聯同醫生、科學家、草本學家,於美國研製的配方。 其有效生髮的專利配方Phydermanol® 於1989年面世。

Phydermanol® 能有效剔除毛囊裡的二氫睪丸脂酮 (雄激素 D H T ),使頭髮可以在健康環境的毛囊裡再生,並茁壯成長。

One Stop Service

Established in 1990, Beautiful Locations Ltd. has operated in Hong Kong for over 33 years. Beautiful Location Ltd. has been the sole agent of the HairPrime® hair growth series since 2003. The series was led by Dr. Issac Eliaz, with doctors, scientists, and herbalists in the United States. The patented formula Phydermanol® was introduced in 1989.

Phydermanol® can effectively remove Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from the hair follicles, so that the hair can regenerate and grow stronger in the hair follicles in a healthy environment.

Mr. David Yip




Customer First, Service Foremost

We always put our customers first and strive to provide quality service. We are not only providing high-quality hair growth products (HairPrime® Herbal Shampoo, HairPrime® Herbal Lotion, HairPrime® Herbal Primer) but also providing hair solutions by hair experts.

We provide one-stop service. Hair experts examine the condition of the scalp and hair follicles in detail, analyse the health of the scalp to give professional treatment advice to customers, including hair growth and hair care treatment and scalp care.

That’s why we have many success stories, with remarkable results. We are committed to offering you a safe and reliable hair care solution.


  • 頭髮是由一種角蛋白(Keratin)的蛋白質組成。而指甲和皮膚外層都是由角蛋白組成的。

  • 頭髮分爲表皮層、皮質層、髓質層三層。 表皮層是頭髮的最外層,由7-9層的魚鱗片狀覆蓋著,有保護作用,而鱗狀重叠越整齊,頭髮越漂亮。 皮質層含大量黑色素(Melanin),決定頭髮的顔色及粗幼。色素細胞是由嬰兒時期開始增長,直至頭髮完全成熟。若色素細胞在未完全成熟便停止增長,會導致缺色髮或灰髮的現象。 最內層是髓質層,成纖維狀,有氧之空胞體。

  • 髮根是藏於頭皮內,由毛囊保護著。毛囊的底部有微血管,能從血液中吸取養份。

  • 毛囊的周邊是分泌腺,能分泌一種脂肪,稱爲皮脂(Sebum),皮脂使頭髮亮澤和具有防水功能。

  • 毛囊的形成,早於嬰兒在母體的子宮期間開始,於出生後就不會再製造新的毛囊,但毛囊不會在後天情況下減少或消失的。

  • 頭皮平均有100,000 – 350,000個毛囊,毛囊能長出頭髮纖維,但不代表每個毛囊都有生産頭髮的能力。

  • 具有生産力的毛囊都是循著一個特定的周期性生長。這個周期可分成三個階段,就是成長期,靜止期和脫落期。而周期會受年齡,病理及各種生理因素影響。

Structure of Hair

  • Hair is composed of keratin, which is part of the composition of the skin and nails.

  • The hair structure divides into three distinct layers: the cuticle, the cortex, and the medulla. The cuticle is a protective outermost layer, consisting of 7-9 overlapping layers of flattened cells like fish scales. The cortex contains lots of melanin, which is responsible for hair colour and thickness. Pigment cells grow from infancy until the hair is fully mature. If pigment cells stop growing before they are fully mature, it can lead to lack of colour or grey hair. The medulla is the innermost layer, consisting of fibrous cells and air spaces.

  • Hair roots are hidden in the scalp and protected by hair follicles. Each hair follicle is attached to capillaries and absorbs nutrients from the blood.

  • Surrounding the hair follicles are secretory glands that secrete a fat called sebum, which makes the hair shiny and waterproof.

  • Hair follicles are formed during infancy and stop after birth. The number of hair follicles will not be affected by acquired conditions. In other words, hair follicles will not decrease or disappear.

  • The scalp has an average of 100,000-350,000 hair follicles. Hair follicles can grow hair fibres, but it does not mean that each hair follicle has the ability to produce hair.

  • Productive hair follicles grow hair in a specific cycle. The cycle can be divided into three phases, Anagen (Growth), Catagen (Transition), and Telogen (Rest). The hair growth cycle will be affected by age, pathology, and various physiological factors. 

Stages of Hair Loss

1 期

Slight or no receding hairline.

2 期

The hairlines of the frontal bones and temporal bones move backward in a triangular shape.

3 期

Visible changes of the hairline. The hairline at the temporal bone is moved back significantly. With thinning hair or no hair coverage at the hairline.

4 期

脫髮部位主要集中在頭頂The hairline at the temporal bone moved back in a limited extent. Hair loss is mainly on the top of the head.

5 期


6 期


7 期


8 期


Causes of Hair Loss

  1. 壓力
  2. 荷爾蒙轉變(如斷經,更年期)
  3. 藥物 (如抗生素,避孕藥,甲狀腺藥物,安非他命,賀爾蒙藥物,類固醇,化學療法)
  4. 疾病 (如愛滋病,癌症,腎衰竭,紅斑狼瘡,高血壓,甲狀腺失衡,肝病,後天梅毒,糖尿病,貧血)
  5. 簇狀禿髮 ~ 因自體免疫反應而令頭髮一簇簇地脫落
  6. 全身禿毛 ~ 全個身體沒有毛髮生長
  7. 錯誤選用含有害物質的髮品
  8. 長期用力拉扯頭髮,令毛囊神經受傷
  9. 頭髮管道受損,如長期用頭飾扎緊頭髮,以致毛囊發炎
  10. 食物補充品(如服用過多維他命A)
  11. 遺傳 (「男性型脫髮」(Androgenetic Alopecia)

以上各種成因以遺傳的「男性型脫髮」(Androgenetic Alopecia) 最爲普遍。

  1. Pressure
  2. Hormonal changes (i.e. Menopause)
  3. Medicines (i.e. Antibiotic, Birth control pill, Thyroid drug, Amphetamine, Hormone medicines, Steroid, Chemotherapy)
  4. Diseases (i.e. AIDS, Cancer, Kidney failure, Lupus, High blood pressure, Thyroid imbalance, Liver disease, Acquired syphilis, Diabetes, Anaemia)
  5. Alopecia areata ~ Hair loss in clumps due to autoimmune response
  6. Alopecia Universalis ~ No hair on the entire body
  7. Wrong selection of hair products containing harmful substances
  8. Hair follicle nerve damage due to the habit of pulling hair
  9. Damaged hair ducts, such as long-term use of headgear to tie the hair tightly, resulting in inflammation of the hair follicles
  10. Overdose supplements (i.e. taking too much Vitamin A)
  11. Genetics (Androgenetic Alopecia)


Of all these factors, Androgenetic Alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss.

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5-alpha reductase

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)


Is one of the enzymes, which can be divided into two types: Type I & Type II


Studies have confirmed that the male hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) will shorten the hair growth cycle. The hair will stop growing before it enters the fully mature stage, resulting in mature hair (coloured and thick) replaced by soft hair (short and weak hair). If the situation continues, the hair follicles will shrink, and the newly grown hair will become weaker, until the hair follicles can no longer maintain the healthy growth of hair, resulting in hair loss.

On the scalp, the receptors of hair follicle cells will inhale DHT, but not every hair follicle has receptors. But for men, most of the receptors will be distributed in the hair follicles on top of the head. That is why the majority of men go bald.

DHT is converted from Testosterone plus 5-alpha reductase.

5-alpha reductase can be divided into Type I and Type II. Type I is located on the skin tissue, including the scalp; type II is located on the tissue of the reproductive organs.

HairPrime® neither prevents DHT conversion nor inhibits 5-alpha reductase type II. Medical research has shown that inhibiting 5-alpha reductase type II will cause side effects. Men will reduce or lose their libido; during pregnancy, the development of the male foetus’s sexual organs will be blocked, which may cause sexual characteristics to become ambiguous and half-yin and yang.